Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sasebo City Bus Routes!!!

We have letters and numbers labeling each route in Sasebo now!

And yes, that statement deserved to be in the heading.

This has come just in time for (and maybe because of) the 国体会 KOKUTAIKAI!! Go Gamba-kun and Ramba-chan! Kokutaikai Website  (October 12th--November 1st)

But this isn't really about the Kokutaikai. This is about the new bus route codes, how to use them, and how to get around sasebo. Really, I'm posting all this so that there is a place to go on the net with our smart phones and easily figure out the bus system. 


The Sasebo City Bus Official Website
How to read the bus timetable
What the bus routes look like (Maps)
What does the letter and number mean?
What does the second number mean? 
How to figure out your bus route
What it's like on the buses

The Sasebo City Bus Official Website

Here's the translation for the navigation bar:

Once you figure out where you want to go, go to the website and click on the "Bus Timetables" in the navigation bar to find out the bus times. If you can't read kanji, there is the roman-ji and its kanji equivalent in the "What does the letter and number mean?" section below. On the webpage, find your bus stop link. The stops are in "a, ka, sa" order (Japanese ABC order).

How to read the bus timetable

The light aqua timetables are for weekdays (heijitsu). 

The pink is for Sundays and national holidays (nichi/syukujitsu). If there is no light green, then the pink is for Saturdays, too (do/nichi/syukujitsu).

Recently, some stops have added a light green timetable. This should be almost identical to the pink timetables.The light green is for Saturdays (do). 

What does the letter and number mean?

Each letter designates a certain area in Sasebo. There might be several bus routes going to that area, so a number is designated for each route in that particular area. 

Below are all the different bus routes. The route name would be it's destination point.  I wrote all the route names (with kanji) and which letters they are grouped under. If a destination is repeated, it is because the bus originated from a different place.

A1—Saseboeki-Mae 佐世保駅前
A2--Saseboeki-Mae-Kaisoku 佐世保駅前快速

B1—Higashihama-machi 東浜町
B2—Higashihama-machi 東浜町
B3—Jyurohara 十郎原
B4—Jyurohara 十郎原
B5—Kyoikuzokumae 教育族前
B6—Kyoikuzokumae 教育族前
B7—Kyoikuzokumae 教育族前
B8—Tenjin via. Oomiya* 大宮→天神
B9—Tenjin via. Ookura* 大黒→天神
B10—Tenjin via. Higashiyama* 東山→天神
B11—Maehata 前畑
B21—Higashihama-machi 東浜町
B22—Okishin-machi 沖新町 

*Rotary routes. These will not terminate at the destination designated by the letter code, but rather continue with a new bus route, almost always back towards Sasebo Station.

C1—Kurokami 黒髪
C2—Koba 木場
C3—Kamikoba 上木場
C4—Syokuhindanchi 食品団地
C5—Momijigaoka-machi もみじが丘町
C6—Ootakedai via. Amagata* 尼潟→大岳台
C7—Ootakedai via. Sakurababa* 桜馬場→大岳台
C8—Oroshidanchikaikanmae 卸団地会館前

*Rotary routes. These will not terminate at the destination designated by the letter code, but rather continue with a new bus route, almost always back towards Sasebo Station.

G2—Pearl Sea Resort パールシー・
     ・ Kyuujyuukyuushima-Suizokukan 九十九島水族館
G3—Oshinoura-bunmichi* おしの浦分道
G4—Akasakidanchi 赤崎団地
G5—Shimofunashiko 下船
G6—Shimofunashiko  下船越
G8--Tukumosono つくも苑
G9—Tawaraura 俵浦

*For some reason, Oshinoura is not a bus stop. But it seems that there is only one bus that takes that route, so I am not going to worry. 

K6--Shimonohara-bashi 下の原橋
K7—Ekosubasasebo エコスバ佐世保

M1--Ainourasanbashi 相浦桟橋
M5—Masaru 真申
M6—Suisan-ichiba 水産市場
M7—Onomachi 小野町
M8—Ainoura 相浦

N1—Jitugyou-Koukou 実業高校
N3—Kyuubun-Koukou・Nagasaki-Tandai 九文高校・長崎短大
N5—Hinotouge 日野峠
N6—Kimura-machi 木宮町

P1—Pearl Sea Resort パールシー・
      ・Kyuujyuukyuushima-Suizokukan 九十九島水族館
P2—Pearl Sea Resort  パールシー・
      ・Kyuujyuukyuushima-Suizokukan  九十九島水族館

T4—Ogawauchi 小川内
T7—Tenkubo 天久保

U1--Ainourasanbashi 相浦桟橋
U5—Masaru 真申

V1ーShyougyou-Koukou 商業高校
V2—Oono 大野
V4—Sakuragi 桜木

W3—Yunoki 柚木
W4—Yamine 矢峰

X1—Eboshidake 烏帽子岳
X2—Hanazono via. Takanashi* 高梨→花園
X3—Tawara-machi via. Takanashi* 高梨→俵町
X4—Takanashi via. Hanazono* 花園→高梨
X5—Tawara-machi via. Hanazono* 花園→俵町
X7—Takanashi via. Tawara-machi* 俵町→高梨
X8—Gion* 祇園
X9—Yamazumi via. Katsutomi* 勝富→山祇
X11—Yamazumi via. Tonoo-cho* 戸尾→山祇
X12—Kikaze 木風
X13—Wakaba* 若葉

*Rotary routes. These will not terminate at the destination designated by the letter code, but rather continue with a new bus route, almost always back towards Sasebo Station.

Y1—Yumiharidake 弓張岳
Y2—Sogo-Kyoiku Center mae 総合教育センター前
Y3—Shimizu* 清水
Y4—Piramachi via. Hinotouge 日野峠→比良町
Y6ーSougou-Byouin 総合病院 

*Rotary routes. These will not terminate at the destination designated by the letter code, but rather continue with a new bus route, almost always back towards Sasebo Station.

What does the second number mean?

This number represents a "via" bus stop. Of course, this number is dropped once the bus has passed that particular stop. 

There are a lot of via bus stops that don't have a second number code. I think this is to reduce the amount of confusion with a third number. The only bus stops with a via code are six main stops in the city.

Hinotouge 日野峠 (A little to the north of Pearl Sea Resort, near SSK)

SSK (A shipbuilding company right next to the American and Japanese Navy bases)

Nishikoshima 西小島 (A stop very near Hinotouge and SSK, but a slightly different route)

Oono 大野 (A stop to the north of the city, buses going to Yamine turn right before this stop)

Oomiya 大宮 (A stop when the buses turn off the main road  just two stops after Sasebo Station going south east towards the Bio Park)

Fujiwaribashi 藤原橋 (A stop on the main road, parallel to Oomiya)

For example, W4-5 is a bus bound for Yamine going via Oomiya. Once it passes Oomiya, you will simply see the route code as W4. So, keep this in mind when you are looking for your bus. If you're trying to find the bus with a W4-5 route and you are at the City Hall and the only buses that are coming are W4s, then that's because the number has already been dropped and the W4 bus is still the same bus bound for Yamine. 

What the bus routes look like (Maps)

For the city buses, there are 14 letters being used to designate certain sections of the city (A, B, C, G, K, M, N, P, T, U, V, W, X, and Y). The Saihi buses are a another matter that I am not going to address here. (Saihi is another bus company for Sasebonians, but it has a much wider route, including the hinterlands of Sasebo and most of the main highways of Nagasaki.) The letter and number codes are consistent between the two companies. That is why you will see large jumps in the alphabet for the city buses, and numbers sometimes begin at 6 rather than 1. The missing letters and numbers are for other bus companies. 

So, without further ado, here's what the letters and numbers mean for Sasebo City Bus riders.

What this actually looks like on a real map
*Most, if not all, destinations for the bus routes are pinned

How to figure out your bus route

With the new letter codes, it got at least a little bit easier. Below I have a few common destinations. I've oriented the directions for someone beginning at Sasebo Station. Ask the driver if you need help!

Q: 佐世保駅前に行きますか?(佐世保駅前をとうりますか?佐世保駅けいゆですか?)
Sasebo-eki-mae ni ikimasuka? 
Does this bus go to Sasebo Station?

Yes: はい、はい。/はい、行けますよ。
  Hai, hai. / Hai, ikemasuyo.
     Yes. / Yes, of course it does.

No: 行けない。/行かない。
     ikenai. / ikanai.
     It can't go. / It doesn't go.
A diagram of the Sasebo Bus Station Bus Stops

Details of which bus routes go to which bus stop

Sasebo Station

All the bus routes (A, B, C, G, K, M, N, P, T, U, V, W, X, and Y) stop at Sasebo Station.

Just make sure you're headed in the right direction to get to the station! If you want to make sure you are pointed in the right direction, don't be afraid to ask the driver.

 A1—Saseboeki-Mae 佐世保駅前 buses always take you to Sasebo Station, but they terminate there.

These DON'T go to the station: X11 —Yamazumi via. Tonoo-cho 戸尾→山祇 But, you can get off at Tonoo-cho 戸尾 because it is just one stop from Sasebo Station. Also, I think most buses going there are rotary routes and will swing back around to the station eventually. M8 Ainoura 相浦  is a rotary route within the M (Ainoura) area (I think). There are a handful of routes that shuttle between Ainoura area and Yamine rather than go via the station. There are three W4 Yamine buses, one V1 Oono, one M8 Ainoura, and two N5 Hinotouge buses that go on this shuttle route. Keep in mind that those buses can only be accessed if you find a bus stop on the shuttle route. If you are at any place besides the shuttle route (Hinotouge, Ainoura, Oono, Yamine), you can get on any W4, V1 or N5 bus and it will take you to the station, granted you are getting on before the station.

The Yamine Bus Route 矢峰

 W4・W3 is the most run of the bus routes. It's a convenient bus to grab at any time of the day and is the last bus of the day, leaving the station at 11:28 P.M. It does go out to what looks like rare-bus-land, but with buses leaving the offices there multiple times an hour, you can easily catch a ride back into town (and hopefully find your way to where you want to go!)

Plus, W3 takes you awfully close to the best gellato ice cream in the prefecture. Still a fifteen minute hike along the rode, but worth it.

Navigating Downtown: (Oono, City Hall, Matsuura-cho, The Arcade, Kyo-machi, Kami-kyo-machi, Sasebo Station, Oomiya)

From the station going NORTH BOUND for Oono Mall

T4—Ogawauchi 小川内,  T7—Tenkubo 天久保

 V1ーShyougyou-Koukou 商業高校, V2—Oono 大野, V4—Sakuragi 桜木

W3—Yunoki 柚木, W4—Yamine 矢峰

From Oono Mall going SOUTH BOUND for the station and Oomiya:

B1—Higashihama-machi 東浜町B2—Higashihama-machi 東浜町B3—Jyurohara 十郎原B4—Jyurohara 十郎原B5—Kyoikuzokumae 教育族前B7—Kyoikuzokumae 教育族前, B8—Tenjin via. Oomiya* 大宮→天神B10—Tenjin via. Higashiyama* 東山→天神B21—Higashihama-machi 東浜町B22—Okishin-machi 沖新町

C1—Kurokami 黒髪C2—Koba 木場C3—Kamikoba 上木場C4—Syokuhindanchi 食品団地C5—Momijigaoka-machi もみじが丘町C6—Ootakedai via. Amagata* 尼潟→大岳台C7—Ootakedai via. Sakurababa* 桜馬場→大岳台C8—Oroshidanchikaikanmae 卸団地会館前

K6-5ーShimonoharabashi 下の原橋 via Oomiya Be careful! Only three of these a day!

From Oono Mall going SOUTH BOUND for only the station: 

A1—Saseboeki-Mae 佐世保駅

B6—Kyoikuzokumae 教育族前B9—Tenjin via. Ookura 大黒→天神B11—Maehata 前畑

K6-6ーShimonoharabashi 下の原橋  via Fujiwaribashi

Be careful!
B buses will turn up a mountain either a stop after Oomiya. B6, B9, and B11 turn just after the station to go around the mountain.
C buses will continue to the main road to the Kurokami area
K   buses almost always go via Fujiwaribashi before continuing towards Haiki.

Enkais are usually located at Kyo-machi/Kami-kyo-machi. From the station going north bound, get off at the third stop Kyo-machi 京町

Some may be easier to get to from Matsuura-cho, at the opposite end of the arcade from Kyo-machi. From the station going north bound, get off at the fifth stop Matsuura-cho 松浦町中央公園入口

Don't get on these buses for downtown

 X buses take you up a mountain. Once you figure them out, though, they can be pretty fun. And of course they are rotary buses. They just come back to the station.

buses can get you into trouble, too. They are rotary buses that stay with in downtown, but they can surprise you by swinging up the mountain behind the City Hall or going via obscure places. 

G, M, N, P, and buses all go north bound from the station in downtown, but they will turn at Matsuura-cho, just five stops from the station. When they turn west at Matsuura-cho, these buses take you out of downtown. Some go via the US Navy Base/SSK (with the via code of 2) OR via Hino-touge (with the via code of 1 and sometimes 3). The via 2 buses stop at the US Navy Base, Nimitz Park, and SSK. The via 1 buses go up the mountain, but you can get off at the hospital, the seventh stop from the station, and walk to Nimitz Park or the Base from there. About 10-15 minutes.

Daito: Daito Aeon, Daijus, UniQlo, Don Quixote, Nafco, Conan, (and Haiki)

Best bet is the train (leaves about once/twice an hour, is 260¥, Daito is the second stop from the station. Haiki is the third stop). But, the bus is possible.

SOUTH BOUND from the station:

 K6ーShimonoharabashi 下の原橋 is the only City Bus that will take you straight to Daito Aeon and Uniqulo and Haiki. It's fun, will take up by Ootakedai, and it will feel like a successful adventure. Get off at Daito Interchange 大塔インター路, which is right under the over pass for the Nagasaki Hwy. Turn left for the afore mentioned places, turn right and cross the road for Nafco and Conan (I'm not sure of it's route, so just keep your eyes peeled for the Aeon mall and your finger on the button.) 

C4—Syokuhindanchi 食品団地 Get off at Syukuhin-iriguchi 食品入口(the stop before the bus terminates). Walk along the main road the bus had been travelling before it terminated. Go until you get to an intersection with an over head pedestrian walk, about a 10 minute walk.  Turn left. The shops are about a 15 minute walk from there. 

C5—Momijigaoka-machi もみじが丘町 I think this is possible. To be safe, get off at Nekoyama 猫山, about a 30 minute walk. This bus will go up the mountain before reaching Syukuhin-iriguchi, it might come down again bringing you closer to Daito or it may not.

C6—Ootakedai via. Amagata* 尼潟→大岳台 Get off at Oroshihonmachi-iriguchi 卸本町入口 by the over head pedestrian bridge. Cross the street at the pedestrian walk by turning right, going towards "Denki Best" electronic store. Keep going. It's about a 15 minute walk.

C7—Ootakedai via. Sakurababa* 桜馬場→大岳台 Get off at Oroshihonmachi-iriguchi 卸本町入口 by the over head pedestrian bridge. You will already be on the "Denki Best" electronic store side of the street, so turn left towards the intersection and turn right (no need to cross the street). It's about a 15 minute walk. 

C8—Oroshidanchikaikanmae 卸団地会館前 Same as C7. (I think. Or it might be the same as C6. Or it might terminate. If it terminates, that's an easy 10 minutes walk to the stop described at C7 or C6.)

Hiu By-pass: Hard Off, Nitori, Arion

Best bet is a car. Neither the City Bus or the Saihi bus go via the Hiu by-pass often. But, the places you can get off at are just a fifteen minute walk to these stores. 

SOUTH BOUND from the station:

C1—Kurokami 黒髪C2—Koba 木場C3—Kamikoba 上木場C4—Syokuhindanchi 食品団地C5—Momijigaoka-machi もみじが丘町 C7—Ootakedai via. Sakurababa* 桜馬場→大岳台,  K6-6ーShimonoharabashi 下の原橋 Get off at Hiu-eki-mae, the eighth stop from the station. When you get off, turn to your right. The Hiu By-pass goes up a ramp and "by-passes" Hiu-machi. The road you are on splits in half, going around and under the by-pass. Get to the other side of the road and follow the small pedestrian bridge up the by-pass. It's about a 15 minute walk to Hard Off and Nitori, 25 mintues to Arion. 

Yamato-cho: Himaraya, Daiso, Yamato Kitchen, Sukiya, Yamada Denki, Trial, Max Value

Best bet for Yamato-cho is a Saihi bus. Almost all Saihi buses go via Fujiwaribashi (via code) (a bus stop in the Yamato-cho area). But occasionally, there is the grand opportunity to take a City Bus along that road. This road runs parallel to Oomiya (via code  5 ), a route most City Buses take. So, basically take any south bound bus with a via code of 6. 

SOUTH BOUND from the station:

K6-6ーShimonoharabashi 下の原橋 For Himaraya, the Daiso, Yamato Kitchen, and Sukiya, get off at Kita-Yamato 北大和, the eighth stop from the station, and cross the street.

For Yamada-Denki, get off at Ushikai-inari-iriguchi 牛買稲荷入り口. Cross the street. You are in front of the store. 

B22—Okishin-machi 沖新町C6—Ootakedai via. Amagata* 尼潟→大岳台 For Trial or Max Value, alight at Okishin-machi 沖新町 or Yamato-cho-chuo-byouin-mae 大和町中央病院前. For the former bus stop, you can easily find a way over the river/creek. Max Value is tucked behind the parking lot. For Trial, the latter bus stop is better. Continue walking to the next big intersection (with Red Cabbage and a Shell station). Turn right across the street. Follow that road down for about 5 minutes until you see Trial on your right. The famous burger stand as seen in "Nagasaki is Happy" is along this path. 

NORTH BOUND from Daito:
V2-6 Oono 大野W4-6 Yamine 矢峰 For Himaraya, the Daiso, Yamato Kitchen, and Sukiya, alight at Kita-Yamato. You will be in front of the stores. 

For Yamada-Denki, alight at Ushikai-inari-iriguchi 牛買稲荷入り口. You are in front of the store. 

OR, if the bus goes via Oomiya (via code 5) and ISN'T a B1-B11 bus, then get off at Yamato-cho-sei-ryuu-bashi 大和町清龍橋, the second stop from Oomiya. If you turn left and cross the road left again at the intersection, you get to all the Yamato-cho stores. If you turn right and go under the train over pass and turn left at that intersection, keep going straight to the next intersection (Red Cabbage, Shell Gas Station) and continue to follow the instructions for Max Value or Trial from there.

Nakiri Koen, Chuuoo Koen (Central Park), Culture Gym

Get off at Matsuura-cho-chuuoo-koen-iriguchi 松浦町中央公園入口, just the third stop from the station going north bound. Cross the street. Turning right or left around the block on the opposite side of the road will take you to the parks. Just turn left or right (respectively) again at the very next road (not exactly sure where Nakiri Koen is... it might be by the cultural gym). 

For the Cultural Gym, you can walk from Matsuura-cho no problem, but the closest bus stop would be Shima-no-se 島の瀬。Cross the road. Turn right and go under the train over pass. Turn left at the very next turn. Go straight for about five minutes, but you should be able to see it from there. 

Go-ban-gai 五番街

Not much need for a bus. Located just behind Sasebo Station and the Arkus Performing Arts Center at Tonoo-cho bus stop, it's about a 5-10 minute walk to the west if you are at either location. 

Sightseeing! Pearl Sea Resort, Mt. Eboshi, Mt. Yumihari, Shirahama Beach

G2 and P1, P2 for Pearl Sea Resort (beautiful!). There are restaurants, souvenir shops, and an aquarium as well. Rumor has it you can rent sea kayaks? And of course, the cruise. X1 for Mt. Eboshi. Plan for at least five hours before a bus can take you down.
 Y1 for Mt. Yumihari. About five buses a day, but it has a beautiful view, hotel, and restaurant. Sometimes Enkais or Soubetsukais are held here. 
Shirahama... I know this bus exists seasonally. G9 will take you awfully close, but it would still be a hike, and getting back would be a problem. I'd inquire further about when those buses are. 

Getting Directions from the Website

The Sasebo City Bus Office has the large A3 sized bus route map available at numerous offices. Besides that, I BELIEVE that there are other publications you can get, but there are not any publications with specific bus routes. It's all bus stop specific. Besides that, there are some other things that are tucked away on their website. 

For example, if you go to their "Bus Stop Guide," you can click on the links pictured below. I suppose they did this when people protested that they couldn't get their bearings at bus stops. The Bus Offices picked some of the most commonly used bus stops to feature. (I think this may be the other publication they have available.)

If you clicked on the link for "Shimanose," this is what you would see:

Besides that, there is one more thing you can do (well, besides wait someone to make pretty brochures that you can pick up). If you go to the timetable page and scroll down a bit, you'll have something that looks like this: 

Basically, it's the timetables for all the different routes. Only, it is organized by where the buses depart from. So, click on the link of the bus stop nearest to your location. I am trying to see if I can't organized the information in a more traditional fashion, but I'm scared that there might be a reason why it's never been done like that....

I hope this was a little helpful and not too overwhelming! 

Now... about those buses and how to navigate getting off it


Step 5. It's not like a soda machine! This task of making change is your first real test to see if you are a newbie or not. It is also the one test question that you can be warned about and still miss. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Elementary Activities

Hey Dudes ^u^ I had this great brain wave. Numerous people told me to post this stuff on line. I was all like, "But to get it to show up on the search engine, you need lots of hits. To get lots of hits, you need it to look pretty and be organized." Plus, I don't know how I feel about lots of hits. Sounds scary. But, with the brain wave, I was all like, "You know what, I'm just going to put it up anyway, pretty or not. It will be on the internet." So, for those who have suggested it, I have taken your advice. 

So... Why did I begin this? In my first days in the elementary classroom here in Japan I had no idea what I was doing exactly. I feel like this is a story that just about everyone has. I watched my Homeroom Teachers at the elementary school level navigate through the textbook and I learned a lot of activities by trial and error. For example, the first time I saw Karuta being played, I was mystified and delighted. I absolutely loved it. I also couldn't say "kaurta" correctly for the life of me for the longest time. 

At about the sixth month, I was ready for some more cohesion and reason to enter into my work life. Junior high schools were pretty straight forward. But the elementary school curriculum for foreign language studies was an irritating mystery. Maybe jet-lag and culture shock made me deaf to the advice given during Tokyo Orientation. Maybe unfamiliar websites like "Englipedia" were such a foreign matter, I quickly forgot I ever heard it. And maybe I'm just horrible at using a search engine. 

At any rate, after stepping on a few toes and interrupting a bit (REALLY sorry) to get to the point of my quest, someone said the magic words I was looking for: There IS a place where you can go to get activities specially tailored to the textbooks. They are all in one place and easy to find. So I checked it out. And I was immediately disappointed and discouraged. 

But I rallied and said to myself, "I know there are a whole lot of activities that the homeroom teachers know because they have it in a Japanese document somewhere. I'm going to find this document and figure out what in the world they are teaching when I am not there." Also, I really just wanted a list of activities I could "pull out of a hat" for a lesson. 

I began this project in May 2013. After I completed activities for grade five, Englipedia has posted a lot more in the Hi, friends! section of their website. If you've never been there, check it out at*

Over this summer, I worked my butt off to transcribe the Teacher's Manual for Hi, friends! into simple, usable English activities for grade 6. If you're wondering, directly translating it would have taken even longer. I'm sorry, I do not ever plan on translating it. I also got my hands on a Japanese MEXT Lesson Plan copy. (Those translations ARE available on the net: check it out at but, they mostly lack the evaluations, goals and learning targets for each lesson, which DO EXIST in the Japanese copy.)

What you see below is the finished product. It's not perfect, but it does the job. I've spent most of my free working hours for the last year and a half on this and am really looking forward to moving onto other projects. If there are any glaring mistakes, or some helpful changes to make the activities more usable, feel free to email me :) I will see what I can do. Credit to two of my co-workers for helping me type activities in for Book 2 Lessons 6 and 8.

Thank you for checking it out! 
Peace and love,

Click the links below and it will directly download to your computer. I saved it in a .docx format. 

Hi, friends! Book 1 (Grade 5)

Hi, friends! Book 1 (Grade 6)

*In year 2020, there are plans to make foreign language study required to begin in grade 1 for elementary school students. Some schools may already have a language program for all elementary grades. Other schools are beginning trial runs for what the curriculum might look like. Since all of this is subject to change from school to school for the present time, I can only tell you the current vision for this curriculum as I understand it: The old eigo noto books, now called Hi, friends!, will be extended over all the grades. From what I've seen, it may be that fifth and sixth grade will remain with the curriculum that they have now. So that will mean that they will be reviewing the material and going to greater depths when they enter fifth and sixth grade. It is also said that the foreign language class for fifth and sixth grades will be graded and evaluated. Ie. it won't be an extracurricular class anymore. 

I think that if they do use the Hi, friends! textbooks in the younger grades, there will have to be a massive production of new activities and material. Much of the material already in existence is simply too old for the younger grades. 

I also hope that students will learn the basic phonics sounds for the alphabet letters during this time. I've been teaching students this basic phonics every time I see them, but four times a year simply isn't acceptable for this kind of learning. For now, I will remain teaching phonics as soon as grade 5 reaches lesson 6 (The ABCs lesson) and I will continue to try to get students to a point where they can learn simple digraphs and diphthong combinations (th, ch, sh, oo, etc.) Once I'm finished with my next project, I'll see if I can organize my thoughts on phonics in the elementary schools and post it here. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

OTHER JET blogs, including "Surviving in Japan."

For all blogs much cooler than mine:

I particularly recommend:

Surviving in Japan
(The place to go for driver's licenses and more.)

Gaijin Pablo
(For meditative ponderings and beautiful view points.)

Maia Does Japan
(A really fun glimpse of what the first year of JET is.)

10 words I desperately needed and didn't know

The Torture of Study

Did you have a college class that seemed more like the rack? Maybe your higher level Japanese classes? I had an amazing teacher my last two semesters of the 400 level. But, she ran me into the ground. AND STILL, despite her insistence that I might go back to Japan one day and I might teach Japanese, I somehow managed NOT to learn these 10 words. 

10 words 

These are not the most useful 10, nor the most important 10. They are just 10 words you would have thunk that a university graduate with the highest level of Japanese study would have learned before coming to Japan. 

In the FIRST WEEK ALONE, I needed SEVEN of these words. 

1) 感じる kanjiru

Or... just plain 「そういう感じです。」No, they are not talking about kanji (Chinese characters). Even my beginning level friend quickly picked out the word among streams of incomprehensible sounds and was like, "I KNOW they aren't talking about letters." It is the MOST convenient phrase meaning, "It's like that." Kanjiru means feeling. 

2) のせて nosete

You might hear 「のせてください。」It's such a simple command, you would hardly believe that you can argue the benefits of exercise in Japanese and NOT be able to understand something a two year old would. It just means, "Lay it here," or, "Just please place it there," or "Set it down." Nosete literally means set. Also see, 「置いて」.

3) 残り(残り物) nokori (nokorimono)

I don't even remember exactly how or why I needed this word, but it had something to do with food and I needed a place to put it in the fridge (or something like that). It was definitely one of my first days in the shokuinshitu. After that hilarious exchange with the poor secretary, I have heard this word everywhere. In the morning meetings, in the classroom, everywhere. It just means "left overs," or "Who is left?" 

4) しゃべる syaberu

My dictionary says, 「話す、ものを言う」. You might hear teachers saying 「しゃべりなさい」or on particularly scary days, 「なんでしゃべている?しゃべりません!」If I can only convey the blood chilling voice some of my teachers have conjured up to yell that.... It means, "Please don't talk," or "WHY ARE YOU TALKING? STOP TALKING!" It will be the first word you hear in the classroom, and for some reason all you have probably practiced is "hanasu." Use this word for anything with "converse." 「日本語しゃべれていますか?」

5) 連絡する renrakusuru

This is the final word that I am absolutely flabbergasted about not knowing. 「れんらくして。。。」I got this word from one of the elementary principals while we were trying to plan for my next visit. She said she would notify/tell my supervisor and my supervisor could tell me. Quite a simple sentence, but I was dumbfounded. It means, "Tell so and so," or "Tell you." 

6) 数字 suuji

How did I get out of university without know the word for number??? Though not a particularly pressing vocabulary word, I sure did need it in the elementary schools. Despite my insistence to the contrary, many of the elementary teachers expected me to know Japanese with my resume as it was. I was keeping track pretty well until two lessons in with this ridiculous word. Use it when referring to the actual writing of numbers rather than 「いちばん、にばん、さんばん」. 数 kazu means "to count." 「数してください。」

7) 形 katachi

Again, how did I get through so much Japanese without knowing the word for shape? Along with learning numbers 1-20 that day, the students were also learning the names of shapes (you can guess the lesson, maybe). I knew the teacher was talking about shapes and I quickly picked up this noun out of pure necessity. Use it for just plain shapes like square, or the shape of a thing or building. 

8) なれる nareru

One of the MOST convenient words in the few weeks after your arrival. 「なれていますか?」will be the primary inquiry. "Have you gotten used to Japan?" I knew naru, but throwing the re in there through me off. Just a hint, you won't be "used" to Japan until after your first year. But in general, about two or three months in should do the trick for about all your major upheaval. I am still getting this question.... 

9) 確認 kakunin

Technically I didn't get this word until a month in. However, I definitely heard it before that and stood like a deer in head lights. 「確認してください。」"Please check and make sure about this." You will generally get this question from your vice principal. Mine will always say it in a serious tone and look at me hard to make sure I don't do any college student funny business. Phsh. I'm an adult. My first full time job and everything. 

10) 復習 fukushu

Just yell out this word at the end of the semester. It means, "review." It's certainly not the only classroom related word you might find convenient knowing... I quickly learned the words for the parts of speech, and a few others like 「もとめる」(basically, the cheat sheet page in the textbook). 

Bonus) 感想 kansou

I don't know how I picked this one up, but the other day I realized that I knew what it meant and had been using it for forever. Basically, "what were your impressions?" Very useful for culture discussion items during class. 

The End

Like I said before, these aren't the ten most useful words. In fact, just learn all the words. Yes, all the Japanese words are useful. I don't even know where to send you to begin... So many words to know! So so so many words... we need an SOS code for drowning ALTs.... 

P.S. I am assuming you already have the beginner stuff for your self introductions like "I'm from such and such place." and how to recognize questions like, "When did you come to Japan?" "What country do you come from?" and "Where do you live now?"