The Torture of Study
Did you have a college class that seemed more like the rack? Maybe your higher level Japanese classes? I had an amazing teacher my last two semesters of the 400 level. But, she ran me into the ground. AND STILL, despite her insistence that I might go back to Japan one day and I might teach Japanese, I somehow managed NOT to learn these 10 words.
10 words
These are not the most useful 10, nor the most important 10. They are just 10 words you would have thunk that a university graduate with the highest level of Japanese study would have learned before coming to Japan.
In the FIRST WEEK ALONE, I needed SEVEN of these words.
1) 感じる kanjiru
Or... just plain 「そういう感じです。」No, they are not talking about kanji (Chinese characters). Even my beginning level friend quickly picked out the word among streams of incomprehensible sounds and was like, "I KNOW they aren't talking about letters." It is the MOST convenient phrase meaning, "It's like that." Kanjiru means feeling.
2) のせて nosete
You might hear 「のせてください。」It's such a simple command, you would hardly believe that you can argue the benefits of exercise in Japanese and NOT be able to understand something a two year old would. It just means, "Lay it here," or, "Just please place it there," or "Set it down." Nosete literally means set. Also see, 「置いて」.
3) 残り(残り物) nokori (nokorimono)
I don't even remember exactly how or why I needed this word, but it had something to do with food and I needed a place to put it in the fridge (or something like that). It was definitely one of my first days in the shokuinshitu. After that hilarious exchange with the poor secretary, I have heard this word everywhere. In the morning meetings, in the classroom, everywhere. It just means "left overs," or "Who is left?"
4) しゃべる syaberu
My dictionary says, 「話す、ものを言う」. You might hear teachers saying 「しゃべりなさい」or on particularly scary days, 「なんでしゃべている?しゃべりません!」If I can only convey the blood chilling voice some of my teachers have conjured up to yell that.... It means, "Please don't talk," or "WHY ARE YOU TALKING? STOP TALKING!" It will be the first word you hear in the classroom, and for some reason all you have probably practiced is "hanasu." Use this word for anything with "converse." 「日本語しゃべれていますか?」
5) 連絡する renrakusuru
This is the final word that I am absolutely flabbergasted about not knowing. 「れんらくして。。。」I got this word from one of the elementary principals while we were trying to plan for my next visit. She said she would notify/tell my supervisor and my supervisor could tell me. Quite a simple sentence, but I was dumbfounded. It means, "Tell so and so," or "Tell you."
6) 数字 suuji
How did I get out of university without know the word for number??? Though not a particularly pressing vocabulary word, I sure did need it in the elementary schools. Despite my insistence to the contrary, many of the elementary teachers expected me to know Japanese with my resume as it was. I was keeping track pretty well until two lessons in with this ridiculous word. Use it when referring to the actual writing of numbers rather than 「いちばん、にばん、さんばん」. 数 kazu means "to count." 「数してください。」
7) 形 katachi
Again, how did I get through so much Japanese without knowing the word for shape? Along with learning numbers 1-20 that day, the students were also learning the names of shapes (you can guess the lesson, maybe). I knew the teacher was talking about shapes and I quickly picked up this noun out of pure necessity. Use it for just plain shapes like square, or the shape of a thing or building.
8) なれる nareru
One of the MOST convenient words in the few weeks after your arrival. 「なれていますか?」will be the primary inquiry. "Have you gotten used to Japan?" I knew naru, but throwing the re in there through me off. Just a hint, you won't be "used" to Japan until after your first year. But in general, about two or three months in should do the trick for about all your major upheaval. I am still getting this question....
9) 確認 kakunin
Technically I didn't get this word until a month in. However, I definitely heard it before that and stood like a deer in head lights. 「確認してください。」"Please check and make sure about this." You will generally get this question from your vice principal. Mine will always say it in a serious tone and look at me hard to make sure I don't do any college student funny business. Phsh. I'm an adult. My first full time job and everything.
10) 復習 fukushu
Just yell out this word at the end of the semester. It means, "review." It's certainly not the only classroom related word you might find convenient knowing... I quickly learned the words for the parts of speech, and a few others like 「もとめる」(basically, the cheat sheet page in the textbook).
Bonus) 感想 kansou
I don't know how I picked this one up, but the other day I realized that I knew what it meant and had been using it for forever. Basically, "what were your impressions?" Very useful for culture discussion items during class.
The End
Like I said before, these aren't the ten most useful words. In fact, just learn all the words. Yes, all the Japanese words are useful. I don't even know where to send you to begin... So many words to know! So so so many words... we need an SOS code for drowning ALTs....
P.S. I am assuming you already have the beginner stuff for your self introductions like "I'm from such and such place." and how to recognize questions like, "When did you come to Japan?" "What country do you come from?" and "Where do you live now?"
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